Monday, 24 November 2014

Run Programs Without Installing in Windows

Do you know how to run programs without installing in windows pc? No, then I will tell you how to do that. Most of people uses various software, and to save disk space you would like to uninstall some of them. While installing and then uninstalling programs is a tiresome process, it also junks the system registry which causes a slow performance of your system. In this article, I am going to introduce a new software installation system that works in a totally different way. You won’t need to install any program to run it i.e you can run programs without installing.

Zero Install, a dedicated platform independent software installation system does the work for you. It does nor install any software/application in your system. It runs them directly from its own interface. The publishers can publish the software at their own server which means the users can enjoy the latest version of the application without taking part into any update process.

Configuration of Zero Install
The Zero Install comes in two terms. You can either install Zero Install by downloading the appropriate version for your OS or run the portable version directly. Once you run the software, you will be given by a list of application that you can run without installing them. You can also add your own software at the list by complying with the Zero install XML Metadata format guidelines.

Zero Install is fully customizable according to your need. You can configure it from the “Option” button. The drop-down arrow of the “Option” button lets you to configure the advanced options. This is for the advanced user only as any misconfiguration can prevent Zero Install from working properly.

Clicking on the button instead of the arrow takes you into the standard Options window.

Here, you can choose the update options from the “Updates” tab. The Full mode option always checks for available updates and downloads it when you want to run any program. The Minimal mode downloads updates when it is necessary. The Offline mode downloads nothing. You can also allow Zero Install to serve the available beta versions of any software by selecting (Alt +U) “Use beta versions of applications when available”.
Head to the “Storage” tab to set the storage location of the implementation files and the temporary files/folders.
The “Catalog” tab lets you to add new source link of software. By default, only is set as the software source.
The “Trust” tab contains the list of trusted keys which are used to keep a link between the catalog server and your computer. You can delete them to reset the keys.

How to Run programs without installing

Once you configured Zero Install properly, back to the “Catalog” tab of the main window of Zero Install. You will be given by the list of  available applications. Press the “Refresh” button ( Alt + R) to view the latest catalog. Here, you can see three buttons with each
item in the list. Clicking the “Run” button directly will start downloading the item from the application server. You can also use the drop-down arrow of the “Run” button  to modify the command argument. It also lets you to select the version you want to run as Zero Install allows running different versions at the same time.

The second button is to integrate the Setup with your Desktop and/or Start menu. This button remains inactive unless you run the application for first time. The third one is to add the item to your favorite app list.

How does Zero Install work:
Pressing the “Run” button for first time will download the necessary files to run the program. But keep in your note that Zero Install never installs that application at your computer locally. The applications are run directly from the Zero install platform. So if you clear the cache, the applications will be lost and you will need to download them again.

As Zero install is a cross-platform system, you won’t need to search for platform specific packages of your favorite applications. This software also has a portable version. So, you can easily keep it at your USB drive. Doing so, you can install the applications at the USB drive and run them in any computer from the USB drive.

Download Link:- Click Here

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Data Base & My Sql Injection ?

What is Database and MY SQL Injections

In this we'll give you intro to the SQL Injections. In next post we'll give you detailed information about the SQL injections.

What is the Database?

Database is an application that stores a collection of data.Database offers various APIs for creating, accessing and managing the data it holds. And database(DB) servers can be integrated with our web development so that we can pick up the things we want from the database without much difficulties.

Database is a place that stores username,passwords and more details. Database should be secured. But providing high level security is not possible for all sites(much costlier or poor programming ). So Database of many websites is insecure or vulnerable(easily hackable).

Some List of Database are:

DB servers,
MySQL(Open source),
Postgre SQL(open source),

What is SQL injection?
SQL injection is Common and famous method of hacking at present . Using this method an unauthorized person can access the database of the website. Attacker can get all details from the Database.

What an attacker can do?
ByPassing Logins
Accessing secret data
Modifying contents of website
Shutting down the My SQL server

Monday, 31 March 2014

What is Port Scanning ?

What is Port Scanner? what is the use?

What is port Scanning?
You should understand what is port scanning . Port scanning is the process of checking which port is opened and which ports are locked. Just like a thief who searching for a gate opened house.

What is the Use?
By finding which port is opened ,you can try to communicate with victim system remotely and access their

Port Scanning:
Port scanning is the process of searching for active or opened ports in victim system. Just like a thief searching for gate opened house. Consider this scanning

Starting Scan.

Target Host: or IP Address

TCP Port :7 (echo)
TCP Port :9 (discard)
TCP Port :13 (daytime)
TCP Port :19 (chargen)
TCP Port :21 (ftp)
TCP Port :23 (telnet)
TCP Port :25 (smtp)
TCP Port :37 (time)
TCP Port :53 (domain)
TCP Port :79 (finger)
TCP Port :80 (www)
TCP Port :110 (pop)
TCP Port :111 (sunrpc)

It shows the active ports in that domain or ip address

What is the Use?
what we can do with these ports? we can communicate with the victim system remotely using those active ports. So we can get their data without their knowledge.(The thing is that you can theft their data).

Scanning for open ports is done in two ways.

Scan a single IP address for open ports:
It just like a thief who searching for any opened gate in single house.
In relation to scanning, the gate is port and house is IP address.
We are searching for the active port in a single IP address
searching for active ports only at 123.xx.xx.xx
Scan a range of IP address to find open ports:
Scanning a range of IP address is like thief who searching for any opened gate in a street. In relation to scanning, the gate is ports and street is range of ip address

searching active ports only at
123.20.xx.xx to 123.30.xx.xx


* 21: FTP
* 22: SSH
* 23: Telnet
* 53: Domain Name System
* 80: World Wide Web HTTP
* 119: Network News Transfer Protocol
* 443: HTTP over Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layer
* 445: microsoft-ds, Server Message Block over TCP

If these ports are not secure a hacker can communicate with these ports and cause havoc
The list given below are some of the best port scanners
You can download from the links given below:
This tool developed by Fyodor is one of the best unix and windows based port scanners. This
advanced port scanner has a number of useful arguments that gives user a lot of control over the


A Windows-only port scanner, pinger, and resolver SuperScan is a free Windows-only closed-source TCP/UDP port scanner by Foundstone. It includes a variety of additional networking tools such as ping, traceroute, http head, and whois.


Angry IP Scanner:
A fast windows IP scanner and port scanner. Angry IP Scanner can perform basic
host discovery and port scans on Windows. Its binary file size is very small compared to other scanners and other pieces of information about the target hosts can be extended with a few plugins.


Unicornscan is an attempt at a User-land Distributed TCP/IP stack for information gathering
and correlation. It is intended to provide a researcher a superior interface for introducing a stimulus into and measuring a response from a TCP/IP enabled device or network. Some of its features include asynchronous stateless TCP scanning with all variations of TCP flags, asynchronous stateless TCP banner grabbing, and active/passive remote OS, application, and component identification by analyzing responses.



Enjoy Hack :D